Sunday, September 27, 2009

welcome to Love That Poem

The title of this blog comes from the book Love That Dog by Sharon Creech, which is in turn inspired by the poem "Love That Boy" by Walter Dean Myers. Sharon Creech is one of my favorite children's authors and her novel is a lovely exploration of the power of poetry, written as the class journal of a boy named Jack. The first time I discovered Love That Dog I read the whole thing at the bookstore. It's easy to read in one sitting and it gets me a little teary-eyed every time.

I love to talk about poetry but sometimes I'm going to refrain from putting too much of my own opinions and interpretations into the posts, because I don't want to influence how you read them before you have a chance to give it some thought yourself. My hope is that you'll respond with your own thoughts! :)

My favorite from Love That Dog:
October 10

What do you mean--
Why does so much depend
a blue car?

You didn't say before
that I had to tell why.

The wheelbarrow guy
didn't tell why.

I also just get a kick out of the last stanza of Jack's poem about Frost:
I think Mr. Robert Frost
has a little
on his

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